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Establishing North American prairie vegetation in urban parks in northern England: Effect of management and soil type on long-term community development

Author(s): J. Hitchmough, M. De La Fleur

Year: 2006

Journal: Landscape and Urban Planning
Volume: 78
Issue: 4
Pages: 386-397

Article Topic(s): Disturbance, Establishment methods
Research Setting(s): Prairie, Urban

Species Referenced: Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis), Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem),


The second part of a study investigating the establishment and management of North American prairie forbs and grasses in Sheffield, England as a sustainable alternative to traditional herbaceous plantings in urban parks. This study researched soil type (topsoil, subsoil, sand mulching) and management (cutting, cutting with herbicide, and cutting with burning) over four years. Soil type had a greater affect than management treatment, with prairie species persisting longer on sand mulched plots. The most successful combination was sand mulching with spring burning.

Suggested Citation

J. Hitchmough, and M. De La Fleur. "Establishing North American prairie vegetation in urban parks in northern England: Effect of management and soil type on long-term community development." Landscape and Urban Planning 78.4 (2006): 386-397.
Last Updated: 2015-02-26
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