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Do disturbances alter competitive hierarchies? Mechanisms of change following gap creation

Author(s): K. N. Suding, D. Goldberg

Year: 2001

Journal: Ecology
Volume: 82
Issue: 8
Pages: 2133-2149

Article Topic(s): Competition, Disturbance, Establishment methods
Research Setting(s): Prairie

Species Referenced: Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem),


Investigates how and why species composition changes following disturbance in prairies. The accepted theory (competitive reduction) is that reduced competition allows inferior competitive species to colonize. This study introduces a new theory called competitive change, in which the changes associated with disturbance are responsible for the changes in species composition. This new theory was tested in an Ohio prairie with Andropogon gerardii, Coreopsis tripteris, and Ratibida pinnata. In gaps created by disturbance, A. gerardii was superior in terms of survival but C. tripteris was superior in terms of relative growth. The article concludes that both competitive reduction and competitive change likely influence species composition.

Suggested Citation

K. N. Suding, and D. Goldberg. "Do disturbances alter competitive hierarchies? Mechanisms of change following gap creation." Ecology 82.8 (2001): 2133-2149.

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ISSN: 0012-9658
DOI: 10.2307/2680221
Last Updated: 2015-02-26
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