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Distribution of a restricted locally abundant species: effects of competition and nutrients on Coreopsis lanceolata

Author(s): L. A. Folgate and S. M. Scheiner

Month: Oct
Year: 1992

Publication Type: Article
Journal: American Midland Naturalist
Volume: 128
Issue: 2
Pages: 254-269

Article Topic(s): Competition, Disturbance, Fertilizer, Nutrients
Research Setting(s): Forest, Garden, Savanna

Species Referenced: Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis),


Examines why Coreopsis lanceolata is restricted to certain habitats, despite having a broad distribution and being locally abundant where it occurs. The study quantifies environmental conditions and habitat in three naturally-occurring populations in Michigan and Indiana. The study also tests the effects of competition and nutrient availability in two transplant gardens established in Michigan. Coreopsis lanceolata is found in habitats with low soil nutrients and soil moisture. While decreasing competition and increasing nutrients led to increased growth for C. lanceolata, there seems to be a trade-off between tolerating unproductive conditions and competing with other plants that determines the distribution pattern for this species.

Suggested Citation

L. A. Folgate and S. M. Scheiner. "Distribution of a restricted locally abundant species: effects of competition and nutrients on Coreopsis lanceolata." American Midland Naturalist 128.2 (1992): 254-269.

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