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Establishing tallgrass prairie on grazed permanent pasture in the Upper Midwest

Author(s): L. L. Jackson

Year: 1999

Journal: Restoration Ecology
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Pages: 127-138

Article Topic(s): Disturbance,Herbicide,Establishment methods
Research Setting(s): Prairie,Agricultural,Grassland

Species Referenced: Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem), Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass),


Researches whether native prairie grasses could be incorporated into permanent pastures with rotational cattle grazing. In upland pasture, no remnant native plants were observed. However, in wetland exclosures seven native forbs and four native graminoids were observed. Variation within treatments was high. By the third year, native grasses comprised 56% of the available forage in plots that had been drill seeded and 37% in plots subjected to controlled cattle trampling. A pilot study testing frost seeding suggested that seeds spread after cattle trampling produced five times more seedlings.

Suggested Citation

L. L. Jackson. "Establishing tallgrass prairie on grazed permanent pasture in the Upper Midwest." Restoration Ecology 7.2 (1999): 127-138.

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