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Competition effects on wiregrass (Aristida beyrichana) growth and survival

Author(s): M. K. Mulligan and L. K. Kirkman

Month: Nov
Year: 2002

Publication Type: Article
Journal: Plant Ecology
Volume: 163
Issue: 1
Pages: 39-50

Article Topic(s): Competition,Establishment methods,Fertilizer
Research Setting(s): Longleaf pine,Old field

Species Referenced: Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn),


Investigates the effects of competition and fertilizer on the establishment of Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana in longleaf pine plantations and old fields. In the plantation, removing root competition generally increased survival and growth of A. stricta var. beyrichiana, although this depended somewhat on seedling age. In the old field, fertilizer did not increase seedling survival or growth. Seedlings were smaller when weedy growth was present. Results in the old field were also dependent on seedling age.

Suggested Citation

M. K. Mulligan and L. K. Kirkman. "Competition effects on wiregrass (Aristida beyrichana) growth and survival." Plant Ecology 163.1 (2002): 39-50.

Article Links

ISSN: 1385-0237
DOI: 10.1023/A:1020312408663

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