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National Organizations Directory

As a service to the public, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center collects information on native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations throughout North America. Click here to add your organization to the directory. Affiliates are organizations that partner with the Wildflower Center to encourage the preservation and use of native plants in different regions of the country.

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Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Address: 59-864 Kamehameha Highway
Haleiwa, HI 96712

Region: Hawaii

Phone: (808) 638-8655

Organization Structure: Private Non Profit
Organization Type: Botanic Garden

Services this organization provides

  • Support research with grants, awards, etc.
  • Conducts research
  • Publish research
  • Provide educational programming
  • Open to the public
  • Membership program
  • Offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.

Native Plant Focus: also a variety of generic and family collections. Empasis is on threatened tropical plants. Seeds/propagating material exchanged with institutions and researchers around the world.

Publications: Notes from Waimea Arboretum

Description: Consists of over 30 different botanical collections within an 1800 acre nature park. Collections include geographical floras, such as collections from Guam, Beermuda, and te Canary Islands, Malesia, central and south America, the Mascarene Islands;

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