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1,759 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Glyceria septentrionalisFloating Mannagrass
Northern Mannagrass
Eastern Mannagrass
Glyceria striataFowl Mannagrass
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney Locust
Common Honey Locust
Thorny Common Honey Locust
Honey Shucks Locust
Sweet Locust
Thorny Locust
Honey Shucks
Sweet Bean Tree
Goodyera pubescensDowny Rattlesnake Plantain
Gratiola neglectaClammy Hedgehyssop
Gratiola pilosaShaggy Hedgehyssop
Gratiola virginianaRoundfruit Hedgehyssop
Gratiola viscidulaShort's Hedge Hyssop
Short's Hedge-hyssop
Short's Hedgehyssop
Gratiola virginiana var. virginianaRound-fruited Hedge Hyssop
Roundfruit Hedgehyssop
Virginia Hedge-hyssop
Gymnopogon ambiguusBearded Skeletongrass
Hasteola suaveolensFalse Indian Plantain
Sweet Indian Plantain
Hackelia virginianaBeggarslice
Wild Comfrey
Virginia Stickseed
Hamamelis virginianaWitch-hazel
American Witch-hazel
Common Witch-hazel
Snapping Hazelnut
Striped Alder
Spotted Alder
Heuchera americanaAmerican Alumroot
Heuchera americana var. americanaAmerican Alum-root
American Alumroot
Helianthus angustifoliusSwamp Sunflower
Narrowleaf Sunflower
Narrow-leaved Sunflower
Helianthus annuusCommon Sunflower
Annual Sunflower
Helenium autumnaleCommon Sneezeweed
Fall Sneezeweed
Autumn Sneezeweed
Helenium autumnale var. autumnaleCommon Sneezeweed
Helianthemum canadenseLongbranch Frostweed
Rock Frost
Helianthus decapetalusThinleaf Sunflower
Ten-petaled Sunflower
Thin-leaved Sunflower
Pale Sunflower
Helianthus divaricatusWoodland Sunflower
Rough Sunflower
Heteranthera dubiaGrassleaf Mudplantain
Water Stargrass
Helenium flexuosumPurplehead Sneezeweed
Purple-head Sneezeweed
Helianthus giganteusGiant Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoidesSmooth Oxeye
Oxeye Sunflower
False Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoides var. helianthoidesSmooth Oxeye
Hepatica nobilisHepatica
Hepatica nobilis var. obtusaRoundlobe Hepatica
Round-lobed Hepatica
Helianthus occidentalisFewleaf Sunflower
Western Sunflower
Helianthus occidentalis ssp. occidentalisFewleaf Sunflower
Hedeoma pulegioidesAmerican False Pennyroyal
Heteranthera reniformisKidneyleaf Mudplantain
Kidney-leaf Mud-plantain
Helianthus strumosusPaleleaf Woodland Sunflower
Paleleaf Sunflower
Woodland Sunflower
Helianthus tuberosusJerusalem Artichoke
Hieracium gronoviiQueendevil
Hibiscus laevisHalberdleaf Rosemallow
Halberdleaf Hibiscus
Scarlet Rose Mallow
Halberd-leaved Hibiscus
Halberd-leaved Rose-mallow
Hieracium marianumMaryland Hawkweed
Hibiscus moscheutosCrimson-eyed Rose-mallow
Marshmallow Hibiscus
Hieracium paniculatumAllegheny Hawkweed
Hieracium scabrumRough Hawkweed
Hieracium scabrum var. scabrumRough Hawkweed
Hieracium venosumRattlesnakeweed
Rattlesnake Weed
Houstonia caeruleaAzure Bluet
Quaker Ladies
Hordeum jubatumFoxtail Barley
Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatumFoxtail Barley
Squirreltail Barley
Houstonia longifoliaLongleaf Summer Bluet
Pale Bluets
Hordeum pusillumLittle Barley
Houstonia purpureaVenus's Pride
Large Houstonia
Woodland Bluets
Purple Bluets
Mountain Bluets
Houstonia purpurea var. purpureaVenus' Pride
Large Purple Bluets
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1,759 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention