Wildflower Center Store
The Wildflower Center does not sell seeds but we highly recommend Native American Seed in Junction, Texas. Native American Seed helps translate the Wildflower Center's mission by selling seeds native to Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Use the list below to learn more about material available at Native American Seed and look for links to their online catalog on selected species. Native American Seed donates a portion of all web referrals to the Wildflower Center.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Agalinis edwardsiana | Plateau False Foxglove Plateau Agalinis Plateau Gerardia Plateau False-foxglove | |
Agalinis heterophylla | Prairie Agalinis Prairie False-foxglove | |
Amblyolepis setigera | Huisache Daisy Butterfly Daisy Honey Daisy | |
Anemone berlandieri | Tenpetal Anemone Tenpetal Thimbleweed Windflower Southern Anemone Granny's Nightcap | |
Andropogon gerardii | Big Bluestem Tall Bluestem Turkeyfoot | |
Andropogon glomeratus | Bushy Bluestem Brushy Bluestem | |
Andropogon virginicus | Broomsedge Broomsedge Bluestem Yellowsedge Bluestem Whiskey Grass Popotillo Pajon | |
Aphanostephus skirrhobasis | Lazy Daisy Arkansas Lazy Daisy Arkansas Doze-daisy | |
Aquilegia canadensis | Eastern Red Columbine Wild Red Columbine | |
Argemone albiflora | Bluestem Pricklypoppy White Pricklypoppy White Prickly Poppy | |
Aristida purpurea | Purple Threeawn Purple 3-awn Purple Three-awn Red Threeawn | |
Aristida purpurea var. longiseta | Red Three-awn Fendler Three-awn Purple Threeawn | |
Asclepias asperula | Antelope-horns Spider Milkweed Green-flowered Milkweed Spider Antelope-horns Antelope Horns | |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed Pink Milkweed | |
Asclepias speciosa | Showy Milkweed | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Asclepias viridis | Green Milkweed Spider Milkweed | |
Atriplex canescens | Chamiso Four-wing Saltbush Wing-scale | |
Baptisia australis | Blue Wild Indigo Wild Blue Indigo Blue False Indigo | |
Baptisia sphaerocarpa | Yellow Wild Indigo Green Wild Indigo Bush Pea Yellow Wisteria | |
Bothriochloa barbinodis | Pinhole Bluestem Cane Bluestem Cane Beardgrass Feather Bluestem Plains Beardgrass | |
Bouteloua curtipendula | Sideoats Grama Banderilla Banderita Navajita | |
Bouteloua dactyloides | Buffalograss Buffalo Grass | |
Bouteloua eriopoda | Black Grama | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |