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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Comments on the phenology of Carphephorus corymbosus (Compositae)
D. T. Corey
RhodoraMorphology, PhenologySandhillCarphephorus corymbosus (Florida paintbrush)
Common and Problematic Emergents
N. Wellendorf
TaxonomyWetlandLudwigia linearis (Narrowleaf primrose-willow)
Common native wildflowers of North Florida
J. G. Norcini
Establishment methods, Human UseForestHelianthus radula (Rayless sunflower)
Community context of an obligate mutualism: Pollinator and florivore effects on Yucca filamentosa
D. M. Althoff, K. A. Segraves and O. Pellmyr
EcologyDisturbance, PollinationScrubYucca filamentosa (Adam's needle)
Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Asclepias perennis and Asclepias tuberosa Subspecies Rolfsii
T. W. Lucansky and K. T. Clough
Botanical GazetteMorphology,ProvenanceLaboratory,Forest,Wetland,UplandAsclepias perennis (White swamp milkweed)
Comparative Capitular Morphology and Anatomy of Coreopsis L and Bidens L (Compositae), Including a Review of Generic Boundaries
M. Tadesse, D. J. Crawford and E. B. Smith
BrittoniaMorphology, TaxonomyLaboratoryBidens laevis (Smooth beggartick)
Coreopsis basalis (Goldenmane tickseed)
Coreopsis gladiata (Coastal plain tickseed)
Coreopsis grandiflora (Largeflower tickseed)
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Coreopsis leavenworthii (Leavenworth's tickseed)
Coreopsis pubescens (Star tickseed)
Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains coreopsis)
Coreopsis verticillata (Threadleaf coreopsis)
Comparative effects of growth irradiance on photosynthesis and leaf anatomy of Flaveria brownii (C4-like), Flaveria linearis (C3-C4) and their F1-hybrid
J. L. Araus, H. R. Brown, G. T. Byrd and M. D. Serret
PlantaLight, WaterLaboratoryFlaveria linearis (Narrowleaf yellowtops)
Comparative floral anatomy of Pontederiaceae
A. Strange, P. J. Rudall and C. J. Prychid
Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyMorphology, TaxonomyLaboratoryPontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Comparative genetics of seven plants endemic to Florida's Lake Wales ridge
E. S. Menges, R. W. Dolan, R. Yahr, D. R. Gordon
CastaneaGenetics, Rare plantsScrubNolina brittoniana (Britton's beargrass)
Comparative in vitro bioactivities of tea extracts from six species of Ardisia and their effect on growth inhibition of HepG2 cells
A. M. B. Newell, G. G. Yousef, M. A. Lila, M. V. Ramirez-Mares and E. G. de Mejia
Journal of EthnopharmacologyEthnobotany, Human Use, Medicinal chemistryLaboratoryArdisia escallonioides (Island marlberry)
Comparative morphology of seeds of four closely related species of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales)
C. A. Adams, J. M. Baskin and C. C. Baskin
Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyMorphologyLaboratoryAristolochia tomentosa (Woolly dutchman's pipe)
Comparative Responses of Achillea millefolium Ecotypes to Competition and Soil Type
S. S. Higgins and R. N. Mack
OecologiaCompetition, Nutrients, Provenance, Seed source, Ecotype, FertilizerGreenhouseAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Comparative rooting of deciduous landscape shrub cuttings in media amended with paper mill biosolids from four different sources
C. Chong, B. Hamersma and K. L. Bellamy
Canadian Journal of Plant SciencePropagationLaboratoryViburnum dentatum (Southern arrowwood)
Comparative-Study on Seed Proteins of Ipomoea
S. Das and K. K. Mukherjee
Seed Science and TechnologyChemistry,NutrientsLaboratoryIpomoea pes-caprae (Railroad vine)
Comparison of allozyme variability in a native and an introduced species of Lonicera
K. A. Schierenbeck, J. L. Hamrick and R. N. Mack
HeredityGenetics,Invasive speciesLaboratoryLonicera sempervirens (Coral honeysuckle)
Comparison of experimental strategies to control torpedograss
C. G. Hanlon and K. Langeland
Journal of Aquatic Plant ManagementHerbicide,Invasive speciesWetlandPontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Comparison of pollen transfer dynamics by multiple floral visitors: Experiments with pollen and fluorescent dye
L. S. Adler and R. E. Irwin
Annals of BotanyPollinationFieldGelsemium sempervirens (Carolina jessamine)
Comparison of potential non-timber forest products in intensively managed young stands and mature/old-growth forests in south-central British Columbia
A. J. Clason, P. M. F. Lindgren and T. P. Sullivan
Forest Ecology and ManagementCommunity level survey, Disturbance, Human Use, Fertilizer, LightForestAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Comparison of six biologic indicators of hydrology and the landward extent of hydric soils in west-central Florida, USA cypress domes
D. W. Carr, D. A. Leeper, T. F. Rochow
WetlandsWaterWetlandLyonia lucida (Shining fetterbush)
Comparison of standing vegetation and seed bank composition one year following hardwood reforestation in southwestern Ohio
Leary, Cathlene I.; Howes-Keiffer, Carolyn
Ohio Journal of Science ()
Comparison of torpedograss and pickerelweed susceptibility to glyphosate
L. A. Gettys and D. L. Sutton
Journal of Aquatic Plant ManagementHerbicide,Invasive speciesGreenhousePontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Comparison of total lipids, fatty acids, sugars and nonvolatile organic acids in nuts from four Castanea species
S. D. Senter, J. A. Payne, G. Miller and S. L. Anagnostakis
Journal of the Science of Food and AgricultureChemistry,Seed storageLaboratoryCastanea pumila (Allegheny chinquapin)
Comparisons of isozyme diversity in three rare species of Coreopsis (Asteraceae)
M. E. Cosner, D. J. Crawford
Systematic BotanyGeneticsLaboratoryCoreopsis integrifolia (Fringeleaf tickseed)
Competition and coexistence in grassland codominants: responses to neighbour removal and resource availability
A. M. Silletti, A. K. Knapp and J. M. Blair
Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De BotaniqueCompetition,FertilizerTallgrass prairieAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Competition effects on wiregrass (Aristida beyrichana) growth and survival
M. K. Mulligan and L. K. Kirkman
Plant EcologyCompetition,Establishment methods,FertilizerLongleaf pine,Old fieldAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page