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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Diverse response of five ornamental plant species to mixed indigenous and single isolate arbuscular-mycorrhizal inocula in marginal soil amended with organic matter
A. Gaur and A. Adholeya
Journal of Plant NutritionMycorrhizaeField ()
Diversity and temporal change in the effective pollinators of Asclepias tuberosa
M. Fishbein and D. L. Venable
EcologyPollinationFieldAsclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
Diversity in leaf anatomy, and stomatal distribution and conductance, between salt marsh and freshwater species in the C-4 genus Spartina (Poaceae)
B. R. Maricle, N. K. Koteyeva, E. V. Voznesenskaya, J. R. Thomasson, G. E. Edwards.
New PhytologistMorphologyLaboratory, WetlandSpartina bakeri (Sand cordgrass)
Diversity of methylxanthine content in Ilex cassine L. and Ilex vomitoria Ait.: Assessing sources of the north American stimulant cassina
A. L. Edwards and B. C. Bennett
Economic BotanyChemistry,EthnobotanyLaboratoryIlex vomitoria (Yaupon)
Diversity-productivity relationships in two ecologically realistic rarity-extinction scenarios
F. I. Isbell, D. A. Losure, K. A. Yurkonis, B. J. Wilsey
OikosCompetition, Establishment methodsPrairieSalvia azurea (Pitcher sage)
Do carnivorous plants use volatiles for attracting prey insects?
A. Jurgens, A. M. El-Sayed and D. M. Suckling
Functional EcologyChemistry,MorphologyLaboratorySarracenia leucophylla (Crimson pitcherplant)
Do disturbances alter competitive hierarchies? Mechanisms of change following gap creation
K. N. Suding, D. Goldberg
EcologyCompetition, Disturbance, Establishment methodsPrairieAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Do floral herbivores respond to variation in flower characteristics in Gelsemium sempervirens (Loganiaceae), a distylous vine?
L. M. Leege and L. M. Wolfe
American Journal of BotanyDisturbance,MorphologyForestGelsemium sempervirens (Carolina jessamine)
Do priority effects benefit invasive plants more than native plants? An experiment with six grassland species
T. L. Dickson, J. L. Hopwood, B. J. Wilsey
Biological InvasionsCompetition, Invasive speciesGreenhouseRatibida pinnata (Grayhead coneflower)
Do seeds of Helenium amarum have a light requirement for germination
J. M. Baskin and C. C. Baskin
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubGerminationLaboratoryHelenium amarum (Yellow sneezeweed)
Do species evenness and plant density influence the magnitude of selection and complementarity effects in annual plant species mixtures?
Polley, H. W.; Wilsey, B. J.; Derner, J. D.
6 ()
Does self-pollination provide reproductive assurance in Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae)?
C. G. Eckert and A. Schaefer
American Journal of BotanyPollinationFieldAquilegia canadensis (Eastern red columbine)
Dominant species identity regulates invasibility of old-field plant communities
S. M. Emery and K. L. Gross
OikosCommunity level survey, Competition, Invasive speciesOld fieldAndropogon virginicus (Broomsedge)
Dormancy cycle and viability of buried seeds of Papaver rhoeas
A. Cirujeda, J. Recasens and A. Taberner
Weed ResearchGerminationField ()
Douglasia beringensis (Primulaceae): a new species from northwestern Alaska
Kelso, S; Murray, David F; Yurtsev, Boris Aleksandrovich
NovonDouglasia beringensis (Bering dwarf primrose)
Downy mildew of Rudbeckia fulgida cv. Goldsturm by Plasmopara halstedii in Virginia
C. X. Hong
Plant DiseasePathologyGreenhouse,NurseryRudbeckia fulgida (Orange coneflower)
Draba calcifuga (Brassicaceae), a New Species from the Rocky Mountains of North America
Peter Lesica
NovonDraba calcifuga (Lesica's draba)
Barneby, Rupert C.
BrittoniaAstragalus,Fabaceae,floristics,legumes,systematics,Arizona Astragalus cremnophylax var. myriorrhaphis (Buckskin mountains cliff milkvetch)
Astragalus wittmannii (Wittmann's milkvetch)
Dragma Hippomanicum X: Astragali (Leguminosae) Nevadenses Novi Criticive, Singulo Peruviano Adjecto
Barneby, Rupert C.
BrittoniaAstragalus,Fabaceae,floristics,legumes,systematics,Nevada,Peru Astragalus convallarius var. margaretiae (Margaret's rushy milkvetch)
Astragalus tiehmii (Tiehm's milkvetch)
Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii (Lavin's milkvetch)
Astragalus eurylobus (Needle mountain milkvetch)
Astragalus serenoi var. shockleyi (Shockley's milkvetch)
Drought response of three ornamental herbaceous perennials
K. J. Prevete, R. T. Fernandez and W. B. Miller
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceIrrigation,WaterGreenhouseBoltonia asteroides (Boltonia)
Drought responses of six ornamental herbaceous perennials
N. Zollinger, R. Kjelgren, T. Cerny-Koenig, K. Kopp and R. Koenig
Scientia HorticulturaeEstablishment methods, Stress, Water, IrrigationGreenhouseEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Drought tolerance responses of purple Lovegrass and 'Adagio' maiden grass
E. Alvarez, S. M. Scheiber, R. C. Beeson, Jr. and D. R. Sandrock
HortscienceEstablishment methods, Irrigation, WaterGardenEragrostis spectabilis (Purple lovegrass)
Drought-Tolerant, Low-Maintenance Plants for South 'Florida Yards' and 'Florida Landscapes
J. Haynes, A. Hunsberger, J. McLaughlin and L. Vasquez
Establishment methodsGardenPsychotria tenuifolia (Shortleaf wild coffee)
Dry grassland plant diversity conservation using low-intensity sheep and goat grazing management: case study in Prague (Czech Republic)
J. Dostalek and T. Frantik
Biodiversity and ConservationCommunity level survey, Disturbance, SuccessionGrasslandAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Dryopteris ×correllii hyb. nov. (D. carthusiana × goldiana), a Rare Woodfern Hybrid from Vermont
Warren H. Wagner, Jr. and Arthur V. Gilman
American Fern JournalDryopteris ×correllii (Correll's hybrid woodfern)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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