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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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Sample Citations

Establishing tallgrass prairie on grazed permanent pasture in the Upper Midwest
by: L. L. Jackson
Notes: L. L. Jackson. "Establishing tallgrass prairie on grazed permanent pasture in the Upper Midwest." Restoration Ecology 7.2 (1999): 127-138.
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The Role of Light During Phlox drummondii Hook Seed Germination
by: W. J. Carpenter, E. R. Ostmark and J. A. Cornell
Notes: W. J. Carpenter, E. R. Ostmark and J. A. Cornell. "The Role of Light During Phlox drummondii Hook Seed Germination." Hortscience 28.8 (1993): 786-788.
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Distribution of a restricted locally abundant species: effects of competition and nutrients on Coreopsis lanceolata
by: L. A. Folgate and S. M. Scheiner
Notes: L. A. Folgate and S. M. Scheiner. "Distribution of a restricted locally abundant species: effects of competition and nutrients on Coreopsis lanceolata." American Midland Naturalist 128.2 (1992): 254-2...
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Allozyme variation in Gaillardia pulchella and G. amblyodon (Compositae): Relation to morphological and chromosomal variation and to geographical isolation
by: J. S. Heywood and D. A. Levin
Notes: J. S. Heywood and D. A. Levin. "Allozyme variation in Gaillardia pulchella and G. amblyodon (Compositae): Relation to morphological and chromosomal variation and to geographical isolation." Systematic...
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Some Canadian Violets
by: Edward L. Greene
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