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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Seed germination and key to seedling identification for six native tree species of wetlands from Southeast Mexico
L. F. Zamora-Cornelio, S. Ochoa-Gaona, G. V. Simon, J. C. Albores and B. H. J. de Jong
Revista De Biologia TropicalGermination, PropagationNurseryAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Seed germination characteristics of Iris virginica
M. D. Morgan
American Midland NaturalistGermination, LightLaboratoryIris virginica (Virginia iris)
Seed Germination Database - Perennials
Clothier, T.
Seed germination in the genus Callirhoe (Malvaceae)
B. Amos and M. Rodriquez
American Journal of BotanyGerminationLaboratoryCallirhoe papaver (Woodland poppymallow)
Seed germination methods and establishment of saw-palmetto, Serenoa repens, in South Texas
D. J. Makus
Acta HorticulturaeEstablishment methods, GerminationLaboratorySerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Seed germination of Opuntia stricta: Implications for management strategies in the Kruger National Park
C. F. Reinhardt, L. Rossouw, L. Thatcher and W. D. Lotter
South African Journal of BotanyInvasive species,Germination,Seed storage,Seed collectingLaboratoryOpuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear)
Seed germination of Serenoa repens
W. J. Carpenter
Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural SocietyGermination, Plant growth regulatorLaboratorySerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Seed germination of six Kalmia species
R. A. Jaynes
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceGerminationLaboratoryKalmia hirsuta (Hairy mountainlaurel)
Seed germination of woody legumes from deciduous tropical forest of southern Mexico
V. Cervantes, J. Carabias and C. VazquezYanes
Forest Ecology and ManagementGerminationNurseryVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Seed germination strategies of species with restoration potential in a fire-maintained pine savanna
K. L. Coffey and L. K. Kirkman
Natural Areas JournalGerminationLongleaf pine, SavannaSolidago odora (Anisescented goldenrod)
Seed germplasm preservation using liquig nitrogen
Stanwood, P.C.; Bass, L.N.
9 ()
Seed morphology and ultrastructure of eight native shrubs and trees of northeastern Mexico
R. Foroughbakhch, M. Rodriguez, R. K. Maiti, J. L. Hernandez-Pinero, L. A. Hauad and A. E. Cespedes
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Seed predation of two alien Opuntia species invading Mediterranean communities
M. Vila and I. Gimeno
Plant EcologyGermination, Invasive speciesUplandOpuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear)
Seed predators are undeterred by nectar-feeding ants on Chamaecrista nictitans (Caesalpineaceae)
S. Ruhren
Plant EcologyDisturbance,Seed increase,Seed collectingOld fieldChamaecrista nictitans (Sensitive partridge pea)
Seed Production and Viability of Eight Porterweed Selections Grown in Northern and Southern Florida
S. B. Wilson, G. W. Knox, K. L. Muller, R. Freyre and Z. Deng
HortscienceInvasive species, PhenologyLandscapeStachytarpheta jamaicensis (Light-blue snakeweed)
Seed production of blanketflower
Seed Production of Wiregrass in Central Florida Following Growing-Season Prescribed Burns
K. W. Outcalt
International Journal of Wildland FireDisturbance,Seed increase,Seed collectingLongleaf pineAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Seed set in indiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans (L) Nash, estimated by x-ray photography
F. L. Barnett and Z. E. Rafii
Crop ScienceSeed collectingLaboratorySorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
Seed source affects flowering and growth of container-grown black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta L.)
J. G. Norcini and J. H. Aldrich
Journal of Environmental HorticultureEcotype, Phenology, Propagation, ProvenanceGreenhouse, LandscapeRudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Seed source affects performance of six wildflower species
Norcini, J.G.; Aldrich, J.H.; Halsey, L.A.; Lilly, J.G.
111 ()
Seed source and quality influence germination in purple coneflower [Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench]
N. Wartidiningsih and R. L. Geneve
HortscienceGermination, Light, Seed source, Seed storageLaboratoryEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Seed source effects on growth and flowering of Coreopsis lanceolata and Salvia lyrata
J. G. Norcini, J. H. Aldrich and F. G. Martini
Journal of Environmental HorticultureEcotype, Provenance, Seed sourceFieldCoreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Seed treatment and propagation methods
Steffen, J. F., Packard, S.; Mutel, C. F.
Island Press ()
Seed treatments improve the germination and seedling emergence of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)
J. G. Haynes, W. G. Pill and T. A. Evans
HortscienceGermination,Seed storageLaboratoryPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Seed yield variation in blue grama and little bluestem plant collections in southern Manitoba, Canada
A. T. Phan and S. R. Smith
Crop ScienceProvenance,GerminationNursery,LaboratorySchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Seed-bank dynamics of the tropical weed Sida rhombifolia (Malvaceae): incidence of seedling emergence, predators and pathogens
C. Rodriguez, M. A. Garcia
Seed Science ResearchGermination, Pathology, Seed storageField, UrbanSida rhombifolia (Cuban jute)
Seed-borne mycoflora of gaillardia - its pathogenic effects and control
Shrotri, S.C.; Gupta, J.S.; Srivastava, R.N.
11 ()
Seedbank persistence and seedling emergence of seven weed species in autumn sown crops following a single year's seeding
B. J. Wilson and H. M. Lawson
Annals of Applied BiologyGermination, Invasive speciesAgricultural ()
Seeding rate affects establishment of native perennial legumes in the upper midwestern US
J. A. Fischbach, N. J. Ehlke, P. R. Peterson, D. L. Wyse, D. R. Swanson, C. C. Sheaffer
Native Plants JournalEstablishment methods, RestorationField, PrairieAmorpha fruticosa (Indigo bush)
Seeding Rates for Establishing Big Bluestem and Switchgrass with Preemergence Atrazine Applications
K. P. Vogel
Agronomy JournalEstablishment methods, HerbicidePrairie ()
Seedling development and bud ontogeny in western ironweed
Scifres, C. J.; McCarty, M. K.
Weed Science ()
Seedling establishment in natural and experimental Florida scrub gaps
M. Petru, E. S. Menges
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyDisturbance, Establishment methods, Rare plantsScrubBalduina angustifolia (Coastal plain honeycombhead)
Seedling survivorship of the beach morning glory, Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae)
C. E. Bach
Australian Journal of BotanyDisturbanceCoastalIpomoea pes-caprae (Railroad vine)
Seeds obtained by vacuuming the soil surface after fire compared with soil seedbank in a flatwoods plant community
R. S. Kalmbacher, N. Cellinese and F. Martin
Native Plants JournalRestoration, Seed collectingField, ForestLudwigia maritima (Seaside primrose-willow)
Seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica (Malvaceae): Their Structure, Germination, and Salt Tolerance. II. Germination and Salt Tolerance
A. Poljakoffmayber, G. F. Somers, E. Werker and J. L. Gallagher
American Journal of BotanyGermination,StressLaboratoryKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Segregates of Viola canadensis
Edward L. Greene
PittoniaViolaViola canadensis (Canadian white violet)
Selected Ecological Characteristics of Scirpus cyperinus and Its Role as an Invader of Disturbed Wetlands
D. A. Wilcox, N. B. Pavlovic and M. L. Mueggler
WetlandsDisturbance, Establishment methodsWetlandScirpus cyperinus (Woolgrass)
Selecting Chamaecrista spp. for soil stabilisation and forage in southern China
J. B. Hacker, S. L. Wen, Z. Y. Ying and B. C. Pengelly
Tropical GrasslandsEstablishment methods,Phenology,Human UseAgriculturalChamaecrista nictitans (Sensitive partridge pea)
Selection of plants for optimization of vegetative filter strips treating runoff from turfgrass
K. E. Smith, R. A. Putnam, C. Phaneuf, G. R. Lanza, O. P. Dhankher and J. M. Clark
Journal of Environmental QualityIrrigation, RestorationGreenhouseAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Selection of rhizobia for prairie legumes used in restoration and reconstruction programs in Minnesota
B. Tlusty, J. M. Grossman and P. H. Graham
Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyEstablishment methods, Nutrients, RestorationPrairieChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Selective broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus L.) control in permanent pastures
J. L. Griffin, V. H. Watson and W. F. Strachan
Crop ProtectionHerbicideGrasslandAndropogon virginicus (Broomsedge)
Selective predation on the seeds of woody plants
S. J. Meiners and E. W. Stiles
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietySeed collecting,Seed increase,DisturbanceForest,Old fieldViburnum dentatum (Southern arrowwood)
Self-incompatibility and the pollen-stigma interaction inTradescantia ohiensis Rafin
S. J. Owens and S. McGrath
ProtoplasmaPollinationLaboratoryTradescantia ohiensis (Ohio spiderwort)
Self-incompatibility and time of stigma receptivity in two species of Hydrangea
S. M. Reed
HortsciencePollinationLaboratoryHydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea)
Self-incompatibility in Echinacea purpurea
L. C. Stephens
HortscienceGenetics, PollinationLaboratoryEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Self-Incompatibility in Ipomoea pes caprae (Convolvulaceae)
M. S. Devall and L. B. Thien
American Midland NaturalistPollinationCoastalIpomoea pes-caprae (Railroad vine)
Self-sterility and cryptic self-fertility in Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae)
R. I. Bertin, C. Barnes and S. I. Guttman
Botanical GazettePollinationForestCampsis radicans (Trumpet creeper)
Sequential decline in allocation among flowers within inflorescences: Proximate mechanisms and adaptive significance
A. Kliber and C. G. Eckert
EcologySeed increase,Seed collectingGreenhouseAquilegia canadensis (Eastern red columbine)
Sesquiterpenes from Chrysoma pauciflosculosa
M. A. Menelaou, F. A. Macias, J. D. Weidenhamer, G. B. Williamson and N. H. Fischer
Spectroscopy LettersAllelopathy, Chemistry, Competition, GerminationLaboratory, SandhillChrysoma pauciflosculosa (Woody goldenrod)
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Seven new combinations in the Florida flora
R. P. Wunderlin and B. F. Hansen
NovonTaxonomyLaboratoryCarphephorus odoratissimus (Vanillaleaf)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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