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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Response of estuarine marsh vegetation to interannual variations in precipitation
K. H. Dunton, B. Hardegree and T. E. Whitledge
EstuariesWaterCoastal,WetlandBorrichia frutescens (Bushy seaside tansy)
Response of exotics to restored hydroperiod at Dupuis Reserve, Florida
P. G. David
Restoration EcologyDisturbance,Restoration,WaterWetlandPontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment, I: Accumulation and allocation of fertilizer nitrogen and biomass
M. Pilar Banados, B. C. Strik, D. R. Bryla, T. L. Righetti
HortscienceFertilizer, NutrientsAgricultural, FieldVaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry)
Response of huisache (Acacia farnesiana) seedlings to herbicides applied with a model carpeted roller
H. S. Mayeux and R. W. Bovey
Weed TechnologyHerbicideNurseryVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Response of native eastern North American Trifolium spp to root-knot nematodes
K. H. Quesenberry, N. M. Call, D. E. Moon and R. A. Dunn
Crop SciencePathologyGreenhouseTrifolium reflexum (Buffalo clover)
Response of root branching to abscisic acid is correlated with nodule formation both in legumes and nonlegumes
Y. Liang and J. M. Harris
American Journal of BotanyMorphology,Plant growth regulator,SystematicsLaboratoryChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Response of selected forage grasses to herbicides
R. W. Bovey and M. A. Hussey
Agronomy JournalHerbicideGreenhouseSorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
Response of selected nontarget native Florida wetland plant species to metsulfuron methyl
J. T. Hutchinson and K. A. Langeland
Journal of Aquatic Plant ManagementHerbicide, Invasive speciesGreenhouse, WetlandCanna flaccida (Bandanna of the everglades)
Crinum americanum (American crinum lily)
Juncus effusus (Common rush)
Spartina bakeri (Sand cordgrass)
Thalia geniculata (Bent alligator-flag)
Response of Solidago canadensis to competition
D. E. Goldberg
OecologiaCompetition, Establishment methodsFieldSolidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
Response of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L) to clipping frequency
E. R. Beaty and J. D. Powell
Journal of Range ManagementDisturbance, RestorationField, GrasslandPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Response of Tridens flavus (L.) A. S. Hitchc. to soil nutrients and disturbance in an early successional old field
Y. A. K. Honu, D. J. Gibson and B. A. Middleton
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyCompetition, Disturbance, Fertilizer, SuccessionOld fieldTridens flavus (Purpletop tridens)
Response of yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) and understory vegetation to herbicides
R. E. Meyer and R. W. Bovey
Weed ScienceHerbicideSavannaIlex vomitoria (Yaupon)
Response to density in a wild population of the perennial herb Salvia lyrata: variation among families
R. G. Shaw
EvolutionCompetition,ProvenanceFieldSalvia lyrata (Lyreleaf sage)
Response to long- and short-term salinity in populations of the C4 nonhalophyte Andropogon glomeratus Walter B.S.P.
W. D. Bowman and B. R. Strain
OecologiaStressCoastal,Laboratory,WetlandAndropogon glomeratus (Bushy bluestem)
Response to selection on autogamy in Phlox
P. J. Bixby and D. A. Levin
EvolutionPollinationField, GreenhousePhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Responses of Herbaceous Mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa), a New Reclamation Species, to Cyclic Moisture Stress
M. T. Chang, C. M. Crowley and A. A. Nuruddin
Resources Conservation and RecyclingMimosa strigillosa (Powderpuff)
Responses of herbaceous mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa), a new reclamation species, to soil pH
A. A. Nuruddin and M. T. Chang
Resources Conservation and RecyclingWater,StressGreenhouseMimosa strigillosa (Powderpuff)
Responses of populations of Solidago sempervirens (Compositae) to salt spray across a barrier beach
R. J. Cartica, J. A. Quinn
American Journal of Botany StressCoastalSolidago sempervirens (Seaside goldenrod)
Responses of rare plant species to fire in Florida's pyrogenic communities
J. L. Slapcinsky, D. R. Gordon, E. S. Menges
Natural Areas JournalDisturbance, Rare plantsForest, Pine, Pine rockland, Sandhill, ScrubNolina brittoniana (Britton's beargrass)
Responses of root-crown bearing shrubs to differences in fire regimes in Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) savannas: Exploring old-growth questions in second-growth systems
P. B. Drewa, J. M. Thaxton and W. J. Platt
Applied Vegetation ScienceDisturbance,RestorationLongleaf pineIlex vomitoria (Yaupon)
Responses of six wildflower species to seed matric priming
Pill, W.G.; Bender, R.H.; Pie, A.C.; Marvel, J.K.; Veacock, E.E.
18 ()
Responses of subtropical and tropical fruit trees to flooding in calcareous soil
B. Schaffer, F. S. Davies and J. H. Crane
HortscienceWater,NutrientsFieldAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Responses of the codominant grassland species Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans to long-term manipulations of nitrogen and water
A. M. Silletti and A. K. Knapp
American Midland NaturalistIrrigation,Water,Nutrients,FertilizerTallgrass prairieAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Responses of three switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars to seed priming and differential aging conditions
G. Hacisalihoglu
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant ScienceGermination,Seed storageLaboratoryPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Responses of twelve tree species common in Everglades tree islands to simulated hydrologic regimes
D. T. Jones, J. P. Sah, M. S. Ross, S. F. Oberbauer, B. Hwang and K. Jayachandran
WetlandsWaterWetland,ForestAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Eugenia axillaris (White stopper)
Responses of two frequently-burned wet pine savannas to an extended period without fire
S. E. Hinman and J. S. Brewer
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyDisturbancePine,SavannaCarphephorus pseudoliatris (Bristleleaf chaffhead)
Responses to elevated CO2 of Flaveria linearis plants having a reduced activity of cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
B. J. Micallef, P. J. Vanderveer and T. D. Sharkey
Plant Cell and EnvironmentClimate change,ChemistryLaboratoryFlaveria linearis (Narrowleaf yellowtops)
Restoration of a landfill site in Berlin, Germany by spontaneous and directed succession
F. Rebele and C. Lehmann
Restoration EcologyRestorationUrbanSolidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
Restoration of Dry Prairie by Direct Seeding: Methods and Examples
N. J. Bissett
RestorationField, PrairiePolygonella polygama (October flower)
Restoration of Florida pine savanna: Flowering response of Lilium catesbaei to fire and roller-chopping
J. M. Huffman, P. A. Werner
Natural Areas JournalDisturbance, RestorationPine, SavannaLilium catesbaei (Pine lily)
Restoration Response of Relict Broadleaf Marshes to Increased Water Depths
L. A. Toth
WetlandsInvasive species, Restoration, WaterWetlandPontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Restoring Aristida stricta to Pinus palustris ecosystems on the Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
K. W. Outcalt, M. E. Williams and O. Onokpise
Restoration EcologyEstablishment methods,FertilizerLongleaf pineAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Restoring longleaf pine wiregrass ecosystems: plant cover, diversity and biomass following low-rate hexazinone application on Florida sandhills
D. G. Brockway, K. W. Outcalt and R. N. Wilkins
Forest Ecology and ManagementHerbicide,RestorationLongleaf pineAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Restoring tallgrass prairie species mixtures on leafy spurge-infested rangeland
R. A. Masters, D. D. Beran and R. E. Gaussoin
Journal of Range ManagementHerbicide,Establishment methods,Invasive speciesAgricultural,FieldAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Restoring tree islands in the Everglades: Experimental studies of tree seedling survival and growth
A. G. van der Valk, P. Wetzel, E. Cline and F. H. Sklar
Restoration EcologyEstablishment methods, Restoration, WaterForest,WetlandAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Resurrection of segregates of the polyphyletic genus Zigadenus s.l. (Liliales: Melanthiaceae) and resulting new combinations
Zomlefer, Wendy B. and Walter S. Judd
NovonStenanthium densum (Osceola's plume)
Revegetating leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula)-infested rangeland with native tallgrasses
R. A. Masters and S. J. Nissen
Weed TechnologyDisturbance, Establishment methods, Herbicide, Invasive species, RestorationGrassland, PrairieAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Reversal in ovary position from inferior to superior in the Haemodoraceae: Evidence from floral ontogeny
M. G. Simpson
International Journal of Plant SciencesMorphology,SystematicsLaboratoryLachnanthes caroliana (Carolina redroot)
Review of early nomenclature in Euthamia (Asteraceae: Astereae)
G. L. Nesom
SIDA Contributions to BotanyTaxonomyLaboratoryEuthamia caroliniana (Slender goldentop)
Review on ecology and control of Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) on arable land in New Zealand
G. W. Bourdot and R. J. Field
New Zealand Journal of Experimental AgricultureCompetition, Disturbance, Germination, Herbicide, Invasive speciesFieldAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Revision of the Endemic Hawaiian genus Trematolobelia (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae)
Thomas G. Lammers
BrittoniaTrematolobelia auriculata (Lanai false lobelia)
Trematolobelia kaalae (Waianae mountains false lobelia)
Trematolobelia kauaiensis (Kauai false lobelia)
Trematolobelia rockii (Molokai false lobelia)
Trematolobelia wimmeri (Kohala false lobelia)
Revision of the genus Petalostemon (Leguminosae)
Don Kimberly, Wemple
Retrospective Theses and DissertationsDalea ()
Revision of the Genus Ptelea (Rutaceae)
Virginia Long Bailey
BrittoniaPtelea trifoliata ssp. angustifolia (Common hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata var. angustifolia (Common hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata var. persicifolia (Common hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata ssp. pallida (Pallid hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata var. confinis (Pallid hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata var. lutescens (Pallid hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata var. pallida (Pallid hoptree)
Ptelea trifoliata ssp. polyadenia (Pallid hoptree)
Revision of Verbena ser. Tricesimae (Verbenaceae)
Guy L. Nesom
PhytoneuronVerbena neomexicana var. xylopoda (Hillside verbena)
Verbena pinetorum (Chihuahuan verbena)
Revisional treatment of the Mexican species of Seymeria (Scrophulariaceae)
B.L. Turner
PhytologiaSeymeria falcata (Curved-fruit blacksenna)
Rhynchospora marliniana (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Plumosae from northern Central America and southeastern North America
Robert F. C. Naczi, Wesley M. Knapp and Wm. Wayt Thomas
Kew BulletinRhynchospora marliniana (Marlin beaksedge)
Roadside revegetation with native plants: Experimental seeding and transplanting of stem cuttings
A. U. Mallik and M. N. Karim
Applied Vegetation ScienceEstablishment methods,GerminationGreenhouse,RoadJuncus effusus (Common rush)
Role of high temperature pretreatments on seed germination of desert species of Sida (Malvaceae)
D. D. Chawan
OecologiaGerminationLaboratorySida rhombifolia (Cuban jute)
Role of Photoperiod Vernalization and Gibberellic Acid in Floral Induction in Coreopsis grandiflora Nutt.
H. J. Ketellap and A. Barbaro
PhytonLight, Phenology, Plant growth regulatorGreenhouseCoreopsis grandiflora (Largeflower tickseed)
Role of species identity in plant invasions: experimental test using Imperata cylindrica
P. Daneshgar and S. Jose
Biological InvasionsCommunity level survey, Competition, Establishment methods, Invasive species, RestorationSandhill, MesocosmAndropogon virginicus (Broomsedge)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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