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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Selection on Correlated Life-History Traits and Plant Size in Chamaecrista fasciculata
C. A. Kelly
EvolutionMorphology,Phenology,GeneticsFieldChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Spatial Distribution and Temporal Stability of Prostrate Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) and Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) Seed Bank in a Cereal Field
J. Izquierdo, J. M. Blanco-Moreno, L. Chamorro, J. Recasens and F. X. Sans
Weed ScienceHerbicide,Invasive species,Seed storageAgricultural,Field ()
Spatial Genetic-Structure in a Population of Psychotria nervosa .1. Distribution of Genotypes
S. E. Dewey and J. S. Heywood
EvolutionGeneticsLaboratoryPsychotria nervosa (Seminole balsamo)
Spatial variability of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) yield as related to soil parameters in a small field
N. Di Virgilio, A. Monti and G. Venturi
Field Crops ResearchHuman Use,NutrientsAgriculturalPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Spatio-temporally variable effects of a dominant macrophyte on vascular plant neighbors
G. N. Ervin
WetlandsCompetitionWetlandJuncus effusus (Common rush)
Species and vegetation responses to prescribed fire in a long-unburned, endemic-rich Lake Wales Ridge scrub
C. W. Weekley and E. S. Menges
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyDisturbancePolygonella myriophylla (Small's jointweed)
Species for wildflower seed production
Johnson, A.M.; Whitwell, T.
Species of Vascular Plants Reported from Bay County, Florida
L. A. Keppner and E. J. Keppner
Community level survey, FloristicsLaboratoryAgeratina aromatica (Lesser snakeroot)
Species richness and evenness respond in a different manner to propagule density in developing prairie microcosm communities
B. Wilsey and G. Stirling
Plant EcologyCompetition, Establishment methods, SuccessionGreenhouse, PrairieRudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Species-specific effects of grass litter mass and type on emergence of three tall grass prairie species
R. W. Myster
EcoscienceCompetition,Germination,Establishment methodsLaboratoryPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
Species-specific patterns of hydraulic lift in co-occurring adult trees and grasses in a sandhill community
J. F. Espeleta, J. B. West and L. A. Donovan
OecologiaWaterForestAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Specific functions of red, far red, and blue light in flowering and stem extension of long-day plants
E. S. Runkle and R. D. Heins
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceLight, PhenologyGreenhouseCoreopsis grandiflora (Largeflower tickseed)
Spring remigration of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) in north-central Florida: estimating population parameters using mark-recapture
A. Knight, L. P. Brower and E. H. Williams
Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyDisturbance,WildlifeField,AgriculturalAsclepias humistrata (Pinewoods milkweed)
Stem elongation response to neighbour shade in sprawling and upright Polygonum species
B. Collins and G. Wein
Annals of BotanyCompetition,LightGreenhousePolygonum hydropiperoides (Swamp smartweed)
Stenanthium leimanthoides and S. densum (Melanthiaceae) revisited, with the description of two new species
Sorrie, Bruce A., Alan S. Weakley
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of TexasStenanthium tennesseense (Tennessee featherbells)
Stenanthium densum (Osceola's plume)
Stereochemistry of chapliatrin and its congeners from Liatris gracilis
W. Herz, K. Watanabe and J. F. Blount
PhytochemistryChemistryGreenhouseLiatris gracilis (Slender blazing star)
Stigmatic Pollen Loads in Populations of Pontederia cordata from the Southern United States
D. E. Glover and S. C. H. Barrett
American Journal of BotanyPollinationWetlandPontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Stimulus of the photoautotrophic behavior during the in vitro rooting of Annona glabra L., - I. Development of root system and shoot
J. R. de Santana, R. Paiva, F. D. Pereira and L. M. de Oliveira
Ciencia E AgrotecnologiaAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Stimulus of the photoautotrophic behavior during the in vitro rooting of Annona glabra L., II. Aspects of leaf anatomy before acclimatization
J. R. F. de Santana, R. Paiva, R. K. S. Resende, E. M. de Castro, F. D. Pereira and L. M. Oliveira
Ciencia E AgrotecnologiaPropagationLaboratoryAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Stoichiometric response of nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing dicots to manipulations of CO2, nitrogen, and diversity
A. M. Novotny, J. D. Schade, S. E. Hobbie, A. D. Kay, M. Kyle, P. B. Reich and J. J. Elser
OecologiaCommunity level survey, Competition, Fertilizer, Nutrients, SuccessionFieldAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Stokes aster
L. A. Gettys and D. J. Werner
HorttechnologyTaxonomy,Morphology,Pathology,Genetics,PropagationLaboratoryStokesia laevis (Stokes aster)
Stokesia laevis: Taxonomy and economic value
C. R. Gunn and G. A. White
Economic BotanyTaxonomyLaboratoryStokesia laevis (Stokes aster)
Stomatal conductance and gas exchange in four species of Caribbean mangroves exposed to ambient and increased CO2
S. C. Snedaker and R. J. Araujo
Marine and Freshwater ResearchClimate changeCoastal,WetlandConocarpus erectus (Button mangrove)
Storage effects on dormancy and germination of native tickseed species
J. G. Norcini and J. H. Aldrich
HorttechnologySeed storageLaboratoryCoreopsis basalis (Goldenmane tickseed)
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Strategies of delayed self-pollination in Kosteletzkya virginica
C. J. Ruan, P. Qin and R. M. Han
Chinese Science BulletinPollinationFieldKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Stratification improves seed germination of five native wildflower species
Bratcher, Carlma B.; Dole, John M.; Cole, Janet C.
HortScience ()
Stratification improves seed-germination of 5 native wildflower species
C. B. Bratcher, J. M. Dole and J. C. Cole
HortscienceGermination, Seed storageLaboratoryEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Stratification in switchgrass seeds is reversed and hastened by drying
Z. X. Shen, D. J. Parrish, D. D. Wolf and G. E. Welbaum
Crop ScienceGermination,Seed storageLaboratoryPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Structural attributes of Schizachyrium scoparium in restored Texas Blackland prairies
J. D. Derner, H. W. Polley, H. B. Johnson and C. R. Tischler
Restoration EcologyRestorationPrairieSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Structure of humistratin: a novel cardenolide from the sandhill milkweed Asclepias humistrata
S. Nishio, M. S. Blum, J. V. Silverton and R. J. Highet
Journal of Organic ChemistryChemistryLaboratory,SandhillAsclepias humistrata (Pinewoods milkweed)
Studies in eastern American plants
M. L. Fernald
RhodoraMorphologyForest, LaboratoryViola ×primulifolia (Primrose-leaf hybrid violet)
SIDA, Contributions to BotanyAmaranthus ×tucsonensis (Pigweed)
Amaranthus crassipes var. warnockii (Clubfoot amaranth)
Amaranthus tamaulipensis (Tamaulipas amaranth)
Johnston, Ivan M
Journal of the Arnold ArboretumLithospermum confine (Arizona stoneseed)
Studies in the Developmental Anatomy of Phlox drummondii Hook. 1. The Embryo.
H. A. Miller and R. H. Wetmore
American Journal of BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryPhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Studies in the Developmental Anatomy of Phlox drummondii Hook. 2. The Seedling
H. A. Miller and R. H. Wetmore
American Journal of BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryPhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Studies in the Developmental Anatomy of Phlox drummondii Hook. 3. The Apices of the Mature Plant
H. A. Miller and R. H. Wetmore
American Journal of BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryPhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Studies in the family Cyrillaceae. I. Development of male and female gametophytes in Cliftonia monophylla (Lam.) Britton ex Sarg.
M. Vijayara
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubMorphology, PollinationLaboratoryCliftonia monophylla (Buckwheat tree)
James Henrickson
LundelliaDyschoriste linearis var. sanpatriciensis (Polkadots)
Dyschoriste linearis var. linearis (Narrowleaf snake herb)
Dyschoriste schiedeana (Schied's snakeherb)
Dyschoriste schiedeana var. cinerascens (Schied's snakeherb)
Studies in the Genus Hackelia (Boraginaceae) in the Western United States and Mexico
Johnnie L. Gentry, Jr.
The Southwestern NaturalistHackelia patens var. harrisonii (Harrison's stickseed)
Hackelia patens var. patens (Spotted stickseed)
Hackelia pinetorum var. jonesii (Jones' stickseed)
Hackelia pinetorum var. pinetorum (Livermore stickseed)
Hackelia ursina var. diaboli (Chihuahuan stickseed)
Hackelia ursina var. pustulata (Chihuahuan stickseed)
Hackelia ursina var. ursina (Chihuahuan stickseed)
Studies in the genus Physaria (Cruciferae)
Rollins, Reed C.
BrittoniaBladderpod ()
Studies in the photoperiodic responses of violets (Viola)
N. H. Russell
Light,PhenologyLaboratoryViola sororia (Missouri violet)
Baker, Milo S.
Madroņo; a West American journal of botanyViolaViola beckwithii ssp. glabrata (Western pansy)
Studies of floral morphology in the Ericales. I. Organography and vascular anatomy in the Andromedeae
B. F. Palser
MorphologyLaboratoryLeucothoe axillaris (Coastal doghobble)
Studies of floral morphology in the Ericales. II. Megasporogenesis and megagametophyte development in the Andromedeae
B. F. Palser
MorphologyLaboratoryLeucothoe axillaris (Coastal doghobble)
Studies on Bigelowia (Asteraceae). III. Cytotaxonomy and Biogeography
L. C. Anderson
Genetics,EcotypeLaboratoryBigelowia nudata (Pineland rayless goldenrod)
Studies on Bigelowia (Astereae, Compositae). Part I Morphology And Taxonomy
L. C. Anderson
Taxonomy,MorphologyLaboratoryBigelowia nudata (Pineland rayless goldenrod)
Studies on Propagation and Implantation Characteristics of Conocarpus erectus L.
D. Mizrachi and F. R. Pannier
Acta Cientifica VenezolanaPropagationLaboratory,GreenhouseConocarpus erectus (Button mangrove)
Studies on Some North American Cruciferae
Rollins, Reed C.
Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard UniversityBladderpod ()
Studies on the germination of seeds of a few ornamental flowering annuals
Ramakrishnan, V.; Khan, W. M. A.; Khan, A. M. M. A.
18 ()
Studies on the population biology of the genus Viola. II. The effect of plant size on fitness in Viola sororia
O. T. Solbrig
Population viability analysis,Seed collecting,Competition,GerminationForestViola sororia (Missouri violet)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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